Presentations of the “European Conference on Physical Education and School Sport” now available for download
Guests from seven nations attended the “European Conference on Physical Education and School Sport” in October 2022, which was organized by the Willibald Gebhardt Institute in Münster in the year of its 30th anniversary. WGI President Dr. Heinz Aschebrock and the co-hosts of the WGI were able to welcome renowned presenters on these highly relevant topics in the premises of WWU Weiterbildung in Münster’s old town. The conference program focused on three main topics:
– The effects of the Corona pandemic on physical activity behavior and school sports in Slovenia, Italy, the Münsterland region and from a European perspective were highlighted by four conference contributions.
– Other presentations dealt with the quality and monitoring of physical activity behavior and school sports, for example in Finland, Hungary, Italy and the Netherlands.
– A panel discussion, chaired by Prof. Roland Naul, the initiator of the “European Conference” and project partner of the WGI, on the topic “What quality of physical education do we need in Europe?” rounded off the conference program.
Now the presentations of the speakers are available for download on the WGI website. This service can be found here. At the same time, the conference proceedings with the contributions of the European experts is in the works, which is to be published in 2023 as volume 17 in the WGI publication series by Meyer&Meyer Verlag.