Willibald Gebhardt Institute

International Institute for Research
and Knowledge Transfer in Sport e.V.

The Willibald Gebhardt Institute (WGI) is an International Institute of Research and Knowledge Transfer in the fields of Sport and Sport Sciences. It was established as a non-governmental and non-profit institution at the city of Essen (Germany) on May 5th 1992. According to the constitution of the WGI its purpose is to support human tasks and social targets of physical activities including health-related fitness and ethical-morale principles in sport activities. This purpose is linked with a holistic approach of education for a well-rounded individual, particularly for children and adolescents in their main settings of living and development:  in families, at schools, within sport clubs in the context of recreational and elite sports.

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Who was Willibald Gebhardt?

Karl August Willibald Gebhardt was born on January 17th, 1861 in Berlin and also died there on April 30th, 1921. He was a supporter of modern international Olympic games and founder of the Olympic movement in Germany, even though the modern international Olympic movement is most often only associated with Pierre de Coubertin.

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WGI contributes to 1st International Olympic Research Conference in India

February 4, 2025

Yoonkyu Song attended the 1st International Olympic Research Conference in India as a delegate of the Willibald Gebhardt Institute (WGI). The conference was hosted by Rashtriya Raksha University (RRU, Vice Chancellor: Dr. Bimal N. Patel). RRU, located in Gujarat, India, is an Institute of National Importance specializing in national and internal security, policing, and law enforcement education. In ...

Season’s Greeting from the WGI President

December 18, 2024

Dear members, dear affiliates and dear friends of the WGI, On November 11, we held WGI’s Annual General Assembly - once again in the beautiful premises of the Hotel Kaiserhof in Münster. We were ...

EduPASS Multiplier-Event: Modular Educator and Youth Sport Coach Education Program presented

September 20, 2024

On Thursday, September 12, 2024, the EduPASS Multiplier Event took place at the Institute of Sport Science in Münster. As an EduPASS project partner, the Willibald Gebhardt Institute hosted this event ...

WGI at “The 4th International Colloquium of Olympic Study Centers”

August 19, 2024

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Roland Naul and Yoonkyu Song represented the WGI at “The 4th International Colloquium of Olympic Studies and Research Centers,” which took place from 22 to 24 July 2024 in Besançon ...
