WGI contributes to 2020 CEREPS Summit in Budapest
The CEREPS Summit 2020 with the topic “Quality Physical Education: What does it mean, and how should it look like?” should have taken place in Budapest at the end of June and beginning of July this year. The Hungarian School Sports Federation (HSSF) was intended to be the host and cooperation partner, and it wanted to hold its biennial HIPE Congress in cooperation with the European Research Council for Physical Education and School Sports (CEREPS + HIPE). Due to the corona pandemic, the summit was postponed to November, but still could not be attended by European colleagues in Budapest at this time either.
HSSF and CEREPS then agreed to a new format for this event: Hungarian participants could take part in the event onsite, other European colleagues only in an online format. The joint organizers succeeded in attracting a prominent round of lectures on the subject. For example, Alexander Schischlick for UNESCO, Paris; Fiona Bull for WHO Geneva; Marc Cloes as President of AEISEP. The WGI was also represented with a keynote lecture, together with CEREPS (Claude Scheuer & Roland Naul). More than 500 participants attended the international video conference of the summit online. The Summit 2021 is to take place in Bratislava (CEREPS + FIEP) next year.