EuPEO project successfully completed
Slightly delayed – due to postponed data collection due to the effects of the corona pandemic on school sports throughout Europe – the EuPEO project was successfully completed in the summer of 2021 under the leadership of the Portuguese project managers. German project partners included the Willibald Gebhardt Institute under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Roland Naul and, as an associated partner, the work unit Education and Teaching at the Institute for Sport Science at the University of Münster (Prof. Neuber). With the publication of the pilot study of the “European Physical Education Observatory”, the project for educational monitoring in school sport funded by the EU as part of the Erasmus + program has now ended.
The entire study (in English) and the German translation created by Roland Naul and Sebastian Brückner are available for download on the WGI website. The more detailed results of the German partial study (in German and English) as well as the data of the four German schools that took part in the project can also be downloaded there in the form of “school portraits”.
The study will also be sent in printed form to all interested parties and central cooperation partners shortly.