WGI-Research from „Skills“ project published
In the journal “Forum Kinder- und Jugensport” a research paper from the WGI-project “Skills” has been published, with researchers from Willibald Gebhardt Institute as key contributors. The journal aims at Research, transfer and dialogue with applied practitioners – and thus is an excellent fit for publishing WGI research, aligning with the WGI objectives of research and knowledge transfer.
Former WGI vice president Dennis Dreiskämper was the lead author on the article “Motor performance, physical self-concept and reciprocal relationships with body mass index from kindergarten to primary school”. Besides other sport scientists from Münster and the German Sport University Cologne, the co-authors inclkuded former WGI president Maike Tietjens and current vice president Roland Naul.
The publication can be accessed on the Springer website using the following link: Research Paper Forum Kinder- und Jugendsport
On the Springer Publisher website a pdf-file of the article is available for download.