Publications>Book Series>Volume 3 – Willibald Gebhardt: pioneer of the Olympic movement [in German]
July 16, 2019

Volume 3 – Willibald Gebhardt: pioneer of the Olympic movement [in German]

Roland Naul / Manfred Lämmer (Hrsg.)

The beginnings of the Olympic movement are strongly connected with the name of Dr. Willibald Gebhardt. This anthology contains results of a symposium held in Berlin where historians, pedagoges and journalists had given lectures from different points of view. Gebhardt’s career, his traces in Berlin, his work as natural scientist and supporter of sport science as well as Gebhardt as Germany’s representative at Olympic level are fully portrayed and analysed. In addition attention is paid to the question of why the Federal Republic of Germany only paid scarcely attention to the pioneer of the Olympic movement whereas the German Democratic Republic very soon rediscovered him in the course of their cultivation of Olympic traditions.

ISBN 3-89124-261-1
Aachen Meyer & Meyer Verlag 2000
