EuPEO Pilot Study: Data analysis for Germany complete
Between March and June 2020 all data sets derived from the three monitoring tools implemented for the EuPEO study in Germany have been analyzed. As a result, a 50 page research report is available that presents data on a national, school and school class level. Unfortunately, due to the effects of the Corona pandemic, for some school classes certain tests could only be partially finished.
More than 183 students and 13 PE teachers participated in the study. Students completed five different sport exercises to evaluate their physical/motor fitness (aerobic endurance: 20m shuttle run; explosiveness: standing longjump) as well as basic motor abilities in gymnastics, track & field and in one major field based team sport.
Major results include:
- 20% of all students that participated were in need of some sort of motor educational needs
- 80% of all boys and girls reached average results that reflect a healthy motor development
- Results varied between schools with levels ranging from 60% to 94%
The EuPEO project is implemented by the Willibald Gebhardt Institute, a joint-institute of the University of Muenster, in cooperation with the Department Physical Education and Teaching Research, Institute of Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Muenster.