WGI, WWU, Univ. Luxemburg und CEREPS publish EU-Review
Even with the effects of the current Corona pandemic the Willibald Gebhardt Institute, in collaboration with its partners in Münster and Luxemburg, has managed to finish an important project. The WGI and the department EU Studies of the Univerity of Muensters Institute of Sport and Exercise Science, in collaboration with the UNiversity of Luxemburg and the research network CEREPS published the final EU Review „Research on Physical Education and School Sport in Europe” – after working on the project the past three years.
As a result, Volume 38 in the book series “Edition School Sport” has been published by Meyer & Meyer Publishers. On 545 pages, more than 40 authors from 17 countries provide a broad synopsis, based on standardized criteria, on current trends and present characteristics of curricular and extra-curricular school sport in their respective countries. Because of the Corona pandemic the scheduled book presentation in Brussels had to be postponed until the fall.