Publications>Book Series>4

Book Series

Volume 1 – The History of German gymnastic teachers in Prussia – from demonstrators of gymnastic exercises to certified gymnastic teachers [in German]

Rainer Großbröhmer

The study analyses the history of the education of German gymnastic teachers in Prussia with special view to the process of professionalization. The eduaction of German gymnastic teachers is seen as an area of conflict between general teacher education, state control and military education targets. The education to state-approved German gymnastic teachers relatively late became object of Prussian education policy. At first, the teachers were educated at aspecial institute for eduaction of German gymnastic teachers, in teacher seminars and much later at universities. Generally, the German gymnastic teacher training was correlated with the cyclic development of the general teacher education of that time, for which phases of shortage and profusion were typical. The volume comprises an extended summary in English.

ISBN 3-89124-205-0
Aachen Meyer & Meyer Verlag 1994
